Monday, June 29, 2009


So amazingly enough audrey is starting to do 7 HOURS a night!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its absolutely wonderful getting sleep!!! Okay well... she does start to wake up at 3, but doesn't want to eat. She just starts to grunt and then i give her the pacifier to soothe her ANDDD she's sleeping once again!! I don't know if she's just use to waking up that time so she starts to grunt... ORR what? I'm pretty sure its not because of the pacifier falling out.... its never been a problem before. ANYWAYS whatever it is I'm glad she can go back to sleep within seconds! 

So the spitting up problem, i think i figured it out. I'm so use to feeding her every two hours and did it automatically without her hunger cry, she took it so i assumed she was hungry. WELL.... i'm pretty sure i was overfeeding her because now i'm waiting for the cry just to make sure the time... and its prolonging to 3 hours!!! Another wonderful thing that has happened this week!

All of these wonderful things only mean my baby girl is growing up!!! what a bittersweet feeling!! 

Audrey and Mommy have joined the mommy's group at church! we learned how to make gluten from scratch (from whole flour not the gluten flour)!!!!!! So hopefully Daddy will like it. Mommy will make sure to season it nice and delicious.  We're also helping out with VBS which is australian theme so we're super excited about it!!! 

God is blessing us everyday and the whole family is growing more and more in faith with Him. God is good all the time....all the time God is good!!

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